Dorothy Doner-Coles and her late husband Stewart left the busy city of Toronto to retire to the peaceful environment of Little Lake in Midland, Ontario where she still resides. She is the proud mother of two children, Glenn and Dianne, who share her love of ballet, theatre and classical music.
Words have always been a part of her life. She enjoyed a successful career as a commercial copywriter and since retiring has applied her wordsmith skills to writing fiction. This versatile Collection of her work, which took five years to produce, is a powerful debut of her talent written with verve and charm.
Three of her short stories in this Collection were recognized in the literary community.
‘Blissful Dreaming’ was placed among the top ten in the Alice Munro Short Story contest.
‘Home Free’ was short-listed in the John Kenneth Galbraith Literary Award.
‘Sweet Death was previously published in Commuter Lit in 2017.